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Koi Negawakuha (Yaoi)

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Naono Bohra 2000 released.
Koi Negawaku wa, Koi Negawakuwa
576 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Story #1
The head of a cursed clan, Yukinobu, insists of sleeping with his servant, Kurohoshii, because he reminds him of the disappeared family cat, Kuro. They even share the same scar on the left side of the face, so is Kurohoshii's the cat reincarnation or is it just a coincidence...?!

Story #2
Kurohoshii's cousin, Hirohoshii, who is the lover of the god in charge of Yukinobu's family curse, tells his cousin that he must leave Yukinobu's side and go back to the god's. But why would Hirohoshii tell Kurohoshii to leave his lover and go to his'...!? [MT]

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Feb 11, 2011


Feb 11, 2011


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Safe to say we are exes now lol.

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