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Caged by Love, Shackled by Honey (Yaoi)

Momozuki Haruka 0 released.
Drama / Yaoi
Caged by Love, Shackled by Honey; Caged Love, Shackled Honey; コイノオリミツノクサリ; 恋の檻、蜜の鎖
Vol.1 Ch.02
Vol.1 Ch.01
195 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Plot: Mashita Kaname had recently lost his father and left him with a mountain of debts behind. Then a mysterious man, Hashimoto Hidemitsu, came barging in his home calling for his late father by his first name! What had happened between them? Is Kaname prepared to become his father's replacement?

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Vol.1 Ch.02

Jan 27, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.01

Jan 27, 2011


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