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Kuro Ookami to Gin Kitsune

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Inose 2000 released.
Drama / Fantasy / Shounen Ai
Black Wolf and Silver Fox; Kuro Ookami to Kin Kitsune; Kuroo Okami to Kinko; Kuroookami to Kin Kitsune; Kuroookami to Kinkitsune; Kuroookami to Kinko;
271 voted


Kuzunoha is a Fox, a member of the Vulpine Faction at his school for Beastlings, and while he gets along well with his kind and the Feline Faction, the Lupine Faction scares the mess out of him because they still practice the ancient rite of pelt reaping, where in traditional ceremonies they skin their fellow beasts. But when he wanders into the forest on an urgent errand and winds up stumbling into the middle of a hunt, he must rely on the help of a Wolf classmate of his to reach safety, because Kuzunoha isn’t all he appears to be at first blush…

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Oct 5, 2015


Jun 3, 2015


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