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Maou Tsukai no Saikyou Shihai

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2022 released.
Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Romance
The Demon King Tamer’s Strongest Domination; 魔王使いの最強支配
11 voted


For incompetence, Lewin, a Demon-Tamer adventurer, was banished from the heros party. Without being acknowledged for his achievements as a commanding officer...

However, the moment he comes into contact with Sasha, the Demon King of Death, one of the sealed Seven Demon Kings, he awakens to become a Demon King with the ability to subjugate Demon Kings! Moreover, by shattering the seal, he tames the Demon King, Sasha

Lewin, backed by Sasha, succeeds in drawing out the Demon Kings power and works to subdue all Demon Kings, the root of the strife between the humans and the demons.

An overwhelming fantasy of warriors by the boy who rules the Demon King begins.

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May 23, 2024


May 12, 2024


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