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Midnight Eye Goku

TERASAWA Buichi 0 released.
Action / Mystery / Sci-fi / Seinen / Supernatural
Gokuu; Midnight Eye Goku; ゴクウ; 風林寺悟空;
Vol.3 Ch.05-06
Vol.2 Ch.03-04
Vol.1 Ch.01-02
1 voted


Furinji Goku is an ordinary private eye for hire. While working on a case involving an illegal weapons dealer, he notices a lot of the detectives working on the case committing suicide for no apparent reason. After Goku gets a little too close to the truth, he is then put in a situation where he must stab out his left eye to avoid certain death. Goku then awakens in a mysterious lab where an unknown scientist replaces his eye with a cybernetic one that allows him to control any computer system in the world.

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Vol.3 Ch.05-06

Apr 9, 2012

Vol.2 Ch.03-04

Apr 9, 2012

Vol.1 Ch.01-02

Apr 9, 2012


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