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Mimitabu No Riyuu (Yaoi)

Kunieda Saika 2005 released.
Comedy / Romance / Yaoi
後ろ姿の夏の猫 摸耳垂的理由 耳たぶの理由 A Reason for Earlobes Come mai arrossisci qui (Italian) On the Palm of Your Hand The Reason His Earlobes Redden The Summer Cat Turns Its Back (KUNIEDA SAIKA) Ushirosugata no Natsu no Neko
Vol.1 Ch.6 : afterword
Vol.1 Ch.5 : On the Palm of Your Hand
Vol.1 Ch.4 : Sumuji no Mannaka (Center of the Hair Whorl) [end]
289 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

1) Mimitabu no Riyuu (A Reason for Earlobes)
Yamaguchi is a notorious womanizer. Some men admire him; others can't stand him. Ishikawa is definitely one of the latter. Nevertheless, when Yamaguchi's latest girlfriend dumps him, Ishikawa jokingly offers to comfort him with his own body. Unfortunately for Ishikawa, Yamaguchi takes the offer seriously. And, to make matters worse, Ishikawa discovers that he can't say no!

2) Yubisaki no Biyaku (Love Potion Fingertips)
Ishikawa and Yamaguchi are dating, but Yamaguchi's lovey-dovey behavior makes Ishikawa sick. Hoping to put Yamaguchi in his place, Ishikawa suggests that they "see other people." But things take a turn for the worse when each one catches the other with a beautiful woman.

3) Kuchibiru no Teppen (The Top of the Lip)
Ishikawa usually wears an irritable scowl. So why is he laughing and smiling so happily? Is it because he likes homemade sweets... or the cute girl who made them? Consumed with jealousy, Yamaguchi's patience is pushed to the limit.

4) Tsumuji no Mannaka (The Center of the Hair Whorl)
Ishikawa's nightmare is in danger of become reality. His boyfriend, Yamaguchi, is trying to win over his family! Fearing for his future, Ishikawa forbids Yamaguchi to visit his home, but Yamaguchi is determined to get close to the Ishikawas, one way or another. If Ishikawa won't accept him, then maybe Ishikawa's sister, Hitomi, will...

+Extra (On the Palm of Your Hand)

5) Ushirosugata no Natsu no Neko (The Summer Cat Turns Its Back)
After bad news from the doctor, a man reminices about a young man he went to school with, but then young man appears and he hasn't aged...

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(NSFW) my bf nasty lowk
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it feels like if anxiety is pleasurable
What does a crush feel like?
Feels like you’ve become a creep But if they fancy you too then you’re not Get it?
What does a crush feel like?
As someone who had 2 exes, I have no idea but I guess it feels like it makes you do stupid...
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I’m a 20 year old wasting my years studying so I can’t help you unfortunately..

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it was horrible

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