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My Lovely Master

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HAN Yu-Rang 2010 released.
Comedy / Drama / Romance / Shoujo
나의 사랑스런 주인님; Nam châm tình yêu
Vol.2 Ch.8
Vol.2 Ch.7
Ch.6 : :
53 voted


(If I can make money, I will do anything)

I can sell (give up on) my love, or risk my life.
You want to use me as a tool to revenge your little brother [or sister]?
Here, I will be used. Buy me.
I am very expensive.

Eun Hyool, you said you will do anything if you get paid?
I will buy every single piece of you.
From now on, you are my slave.
But, I will refuse your heart.

These two are getting used to each other by endlessly running against each other.
Love that formed through quarrels is risky like a flower at the end of a cliff!

Photos about this manga (All)

Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.2 Ch.8

Dec 26, 2017

Vol.2 Ch.7

Apr 17, 2016

Ch.6 : :

Oct 9, 2013

Ch.5 : :

Jul 16, 2013

Ch.4 : :

Apr 16, 2013

Ch.3 : :

Jul 9, 2012

Ch.2 : :

Jul 9, 2012

Ch.1 : :

Jul 9, 2012
click to show all of the chapters


People are sharing things

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What's left of me now?
Put yourself back together with the pieces of yourself that you have, and grow into the em...
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Idfk what happened my looks eh idk but my personality did a flip on me, so not cool (._.)
What's ur opinion about immigration problems
I know this is scary to mention on this site but I was curious about everyone's opinion. ...
What's left of me now?
Idk go to church and find salvation maybe ¯⁠⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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