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Naruto the Movie

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KISHIMOTO Masashi 0 released.
Action / Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Martial Arts / Shounen
Naruto Movie 1 - Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow,
56 voted


The weirdo has returned! Ok for the most part these are exact clips from the movies, no joke. They didn't redraw any of the scenes, they just clipped up the footage and put text bubbles in. So if you were looking for a cool manga version of the movies, you shall be disappointed. But if you want to know the entire plot of a 45+ min movie in under 20 mins worth of manga, this is precisely meant for you.
Ani-manga analogues to the Naruto theatrical release movies.
Volume 01 - Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow
Naruto is thrilled when he is sent on a mission to protect his favorite actress, Yukie Fujikaze, on the set of her new movie, The Adventures of Princess Gale. But when the crew ventures out to film in the icy, foreboding Land of Snow, Yukie mysteriously flees! Naruto and his squad set off to find her... unaware that three Snow Ninja lie in wait, with a sinister purpose that will force Yukie to face her hidden past!
Volume 02 - Legend of the Stone of Gelel
On a beach in the Land of Wind, Sunagakure ninja, with Gaara and Kankuro among their ranks, engage a group of armored warriors. Elsewhere, Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru complete a mission to find a lost ferret. On their way back, they are attacked by a group of armored warriors under the direction of a young knight. The knight and Naruto's battle results in them being knocked unconscious and carried by a stream. When they awake, the knight, Temujin, and takes Naruto to his leader, Haido, who wishes to establish a utopia. However, his true motive, conquering the world by finding the source of Gelel, or life energy, are eventually revealed.

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Dec 12, 2011


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Salut je veux trouver les gens qui parle francais
FRENCH PEOPLE EXIST ???!!! ( I’m French)
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I was just gonna post my own profile as a joke but now I'm like wtf how do y'all just have...
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idk but i like how everyone is just roasting each other loll (/TДT)/
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