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Not Enough Time (Yaoi)

Hidaka Shoko 2005 released.
Drama / School Life / Slice Of Life / Yaoi
Tarinai Jikan; 足りない時間; 遲到的愛
not enough time (complete)
800 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

Shoko Hidaka's breakthrough comic is a collection of eye-opening love stories.
Yousuke suddenly shows up on the door step of his old high school buddy Tanigawa after years of no contact. While the two had a budding relationship back in school, things fell apart and they decided to part ways and search for their true love.
However, it might be that their relationship in the golden days of high school was what they have been looking for all along.
A second storyline involves two of Tanigawa's students and a misunderstanding that threatens their relationship.
The story between Shibuya and Mikami continues at one of the chapters of Signal

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