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Oh-oku no Sakura - Gendai Oooku Jogakuin

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AKIRA , KURAMOTO Masahiro 2000 released.
Action / Historical / Horror / Martial Arts / Romance / Shounen / Tragedy
大奥のサクラ 現代大奥女学院; 現代大奥女学園 大奥のサクラ; Oooku no Sakura - Gendai Oooku Jogakuin;
Ch.4 : Fourth Act
Ch.3 : Third Act
Ch.2 : Second Act
4 voted


From matchlocks and cellphones to kimono and TV games, the cultures are blended, a modern Era with an “Inner Palace” inside the Osaka castle!?
The only son of the Toyotomi Shogun, Hidekage, on mission with the inspection bureau “Carrion Cafeteria – Vulture”, infiltrated this harem where pretty girls are gathered. However, the girls he saw there, were fighting for show, watched from outside an aquarium-like glass case. Those are not regular beauties! This is the start of a never experienced before forbidden school life!

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Other manga by the same author(s)


Ch.4 : Fourth Act

Jun 15, 2014

Ch.3 : Third Act

Mar 8, 2014

Ch.2 : Second Act

Feb 21, 2014

Ch.1 : First Act

Jan 1, 2014


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