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Ookami Wa Koi Ni Naku (Yaoi)

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Riyuma Kana 0 released.
Fantasy / Romance / Yaoi
戀愛狼嗥; 狼は恋に啼く; Wolf Cries in Love
Vol.1 Ch.2 : Wolf Dreaming A Happy Dream
Ch.1 : Wolf Drowning in Love
240 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

From Flipped Switch Scans:

Deep in the mountain range, lives a clan that coexists with wolves. Children with black hair are called â??Wolfâ? and children with white hair, although rarely born, are called â??White Hartâ?. A â??White Hartâ? is a symbol of prosperity, and these children are obligated to marry into the Royal Family.

Sara was born a â??White Hartâ?, and from young, had feelings towards his companion, Alexis, the Kingâ??s son. But he knows that Alexis prefers his twin brother, Nara. Although determined to be a substitute for the person he loved, Sara could not continue on suppressing his feelings.

To love one person for all eternity, this is the fate and the story of the â??White Hartâ? and â??Wolfâ?. 

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