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Princess Princess

Tsuda Mikiyo 2002 released.
Comedy / Gender Bender / School Life / Shoujo
Vol.2 Ch.0 : Vol 02 Volume 2
ch.volume 5
331 voted


Why is Toru Kouno receiving such an overly warm welcome at his new all boy's school? He has yet to discover the secret system called "Hime (Princess)" in effect at the school. Boys who are chosen have to dress up as a girl in every school event! Little does Kouno know that he would be the chosen one...

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Would you rather be trapped in a forest with a bear or your profile pic?
NAH BRO. IT GOTTA BE BEAR. Idc what type of bear. It can be a suicidal bear,it can be aho...
Would you rather be trapped in a forest with a bear or your profile pic?
i would literally fight 15 bears to death with only a vibraslap for the 0.00000003% chance...
Would you rather be trapped in a forest with a bear or your profile pic?
I'd say yes if it was the child version of my pfp but uhm it's not so... What did I learn ...

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