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Reiko the Zombie Shop

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MIKAMOTO Rei 0 released.
Action / Horror / Mystery / Psychological / Supernatural
Zombie ya Reiko,Zombieya Reiko,
Vol.6 Ch.31.5
Vol.6 Ch.27-31
21 voted


From Dark Horse: Terror has struck the sleepy little town of Shiraike. A serial killer stalks the streets murdering innocent girls. Twenty-nine grisly murders have been committed, with no clues to catch the killer. That is, until the town receives a strange visitor: a beautiful young woman who can raise the dead. She is Reiko the Zombie Shop, necromancer for hire. For a price, she'll wake your dead, if only to find a clue to their demise, but she's not responsible for what the dead will say or do once they awaken!

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Jun 17, 2017

Vol.6 Ch.31.5

Apr 28, 2018

Vol.6 Ch.27-31

Dec 15, 2011

Vol.4 Ch.17-21

Dec 15, 2011

Vol.3 Ch.13-16

Dec 15, 2011

Vol.2 Ch.07-12

Dec 15, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.01-06

Dec 15, 2011


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