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Single Father

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Man You You , Ash 2019 released.
Comedy / Romance / Slice Of Life / Webtoons
Ch.1 : 18 Year Old Father
32 voted


Our 18 Year Old 18 Year Old 18 Year Old (Important details come in threes!) University Student Bu Weizhen is suddenly informed that he has a 5 Year Old 5 Year Old 5 Year Old (Important details come in threes!) biological daughter, Zhang Xinyi. Ever since then, Bu Weizhen's life has been thrown into utter chaos because of his dear daughter's appearance... How on earth will this impossible Father-Daughter duo reconcile?!

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Would you rather be trapped in a forest with a bear or your profile pic?
Uhm my pfp is literally a ball of light id rather be trapped with that in a forest thankyo...

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