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Sister, Don't Mess With Me!

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极漫文化 , 雨田心于 2019 released.
Ch.1 : Sisters Suddenly Appearing
23 voted


Wang Zhexing is someone who graduated from university recently. On his way to work, he was ambushed by numerous girls of unknown identity one after another. The assailants though, did not demand money from him. Apparently, their objective was to do something ( ?° ?? ?°) with him. Just when he could no longer hold off their "attacks" of throwing themselves at him, a girl named Mulian appeared. According to her, she came in order to stop other woman from robbing him of his virginity...... And that everything began from a single Task4Reward phone APP called "Handsome Reward".

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Nov 21, 2020


Nov 3, 2020

Ch.1 : Sisters Suddenly Appearing

Aug 11, 2020


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Salut je veux trouver les gens qui parle francais
Omg hello, ma première langue est le français️
Salut je veux trouver les gens qui parle francais
FRENCH PEOPLE EXIST ???!!! ( I’m French)
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I was just gonna post my own profile as a joke but now I'm like wtf how do y'all just have...
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idk but i like how everyone is just roasting each other loll (/TДT)/
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