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Suki ni Nattara 10 made Kazoero (Yaoi)

TAKAIDO Akemi 2000 released.
Count Up to 10 When You Fall in Love;
367 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

A collection of oneshots, the main story features Yoshi Kagami From the Prince Charming series, and an appearance by hypochondriac Chihana from 35 Degrees of Love.
1-3 and extras) A college student locked out of his apartment finds out about the sleep disorder of his salaryman neighbor.
4) The charismatic chief's beautiful bentos must be made with love. But whose?
5) Can the company president's private secretary keep his cool when the president's son needs a place to stay?
6) A young man inherits a house, and a garden that reminds him of his lost love.

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May 1, 2015


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I’m too alpha to know what having a crush feels like
how do u pronounce the site’s name?
I've never said 'Mangago' out loud. Again... Catch me dead before you catch me slacking.
how do u pronounce the site’s name?
Mon-gah-go lol idk why
What does a crush feel like?
Basically, you will have hell lot of delusion of you and them being together. You are draw...
What does a crush feel like?
.........warm apple pie

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did got an online lover

it was horrible

7 hours
did got an online lover

He was 28 and I was 13I got gr00medlearned my lesson tho

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