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The Golden Sparrow

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Yi Chun 2000 released.
Ch.12 : 12
Ch.11 : 11
Ch.10 : 10
5 voted


The assassin Yan Po wipes out all 18 members of the Huang family in one blood-drenched night, stealing the secrets to shape-shifting magic in the process, subsequently disappearing without a trace. One girl from the Huang family survived, vowing to take revenge. 70 years later, the most popular phrase in Chang’an is “As the mantis stalks the cicada, behind them will lurk the Golden Sparrow. I shall not rest until Yan Po appears.”

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Ch.12 : 12

Dec 3, 2016

Ch.11 : 11

Nov 15, 2016

Ch.10 : 10

Nov 8, 2016

Ch.9 : 9

Nov 1, 2016

Ch.8 : 8

Oct 25, 2016

Ch.7 : 7

Oct 4, 2016

Ch.6 : 6

Sep 27, 2016

Ch.5 : 5

Sep 20, 2016

Ch.4 : 4

Sep 13, 2016

Ch.3 : 3

Sep 5, 2016

Ch.2 : 2

Aug 29, 2016

Ch.1 : 1

Jul 27, 2016
click to show all of the chapters


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