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The Little Prince

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Kjorelo , Si Li Studio 0 released.
Shounen Ai / School Life / Comedy / Romance / Webtoons
Little Prince, Le Petit Prince, 小王子; The Little Prince
Ch.8 : Observation Diary (Part 1)
Ch.7 : Model
Ch.6 : Opportunity
647 voted


An unrivaled top student An Min Yi, the school bully Guan Xu, the 2 people who initially had nothing to do with each other had a conflict over an examination. The battle has begun between the arrogant little sheep and grumpy little tiger! But, as time goes along and they know each other better, the atmosphere between them is changing...

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What does a crush feel like?
It’s feels like this
What does a crush feel like?
How does a crush feel like? . . . . . Something which I'll never experience (laughs in ...
What does a crush feel like?
a lot of u guys are describing limerence rather than a crush?
how do u pronounce the site’s name?
Ma nga go bc I'm southeast Asian and mang-ga means mango in my language
What does a crush feel like?
I’m too alpha to know what having a crush feels like

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did got an online lover

it was horrible

7 hours
did got an online lover

He was 28 and I was 13I got gr00medlearned my lesson tho

9 hours
did question

i am sexist towards men

9 hours

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