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Torte and Lacey

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Whispwill 2000 released.
Fantasy / Romance
Ch.15 : Ame
Ch.14 : Divine retribution
Ch.13 : I missed you
135 voted


A young girl, Lacey, was doomed to live out a lonely existence until a fateful encounter with a mischievous spirit of destiny. Through a mistaken promise, the spirit swears to help Lacey find friendship and perhaps... even someone to love.

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Ch.15 : Ame

Jan 31, 2019

Ch.14 : Divine retribution

Jan 15, 2019

Ch.13 : I missed you

Dec 27, 2018

Ch.12 : Red String of Fate

Dec 15, 2018

Ch.11 : I'll find you

Nov 27, 2018

Ch.10 : Missing

Nov 8, 2018

Ch.9 : Haunted

Nov 8, 2018

Ch.8 : Trouble

Oct 2, 2018

Ch.7 : Studying

Sep 19, 2018

Ch.6 : Quiz Day

Sep 19, 2018

Ch.5 : Shopping

Sep 19, 2018

Ch.4 : Family Ties

Sep 19, 2018

Ch.3 : New Dog

Sep 19, 2018

Ch.2 : Nameless Boy

Sep 19, 2018

Ch.1 : Creepy

Sep 19, 2018
click to show all of the chapters


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