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Two Lifetimes Of A Moon

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Despoina Skalimi 2012 released.
Action / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Mystery / Romance / School Life / Shoujo / Supernatural
Haze of Amnesia; Δυο Ζωές ενός Φεγγαριού, Dio zoes enos feggariou (Greek)
Vol.00 Ch.1 : Original Pre Designs
6 voted


A 16 years Old Girl, Deb, lives with her mother and her two siblings because her father has left the house, when Deb was around eight. Eight years now, her family and she, move out to a new town. She thinks that her family hides something important from her. At the new town, Deb goes to see her sister, Kelly at her new job, but she faces a bunch of strange, deformed men. Suddenly, a man appears and saves her from those creatures, saying to her that maybe, they'll meet again. After a month, when schools start, she goes at the new high school at that town. Although she is younger than her siblings, A strange woman professor takes her in the same class and tells all the students that she knows what they are. Deb realises that the whole class' students are wizards and witches and that she's going to be one witch too. The man that saved her that day, whose name's Silver, is in the same class with her, Despite the fact that he's older than her. Deb fights with her family about the wizard secret and Ron, a man from her class and best friend of Silver cheers her up. She learns that a woman called Vittany is trying to kill the whole Vortex Team. (The wizards class),They learn that she has killed most relatives of Deb's classmates and that she's the reason why her father left the house. Deb and Silver are her main targets. Silver doesn't remember his past with his fiancee. He says to Deb that he must find her so that he can finally kill Vittany, his eternal enemy and start a new life.

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