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UFO Princess Valkyrie

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KAISHAKU 0 released.
Comedy / Ecchi / Fantasy / Romance / Sci-fi / Shounen
Enban Oujo Valkyrie,
Vol.1 Ch.4 : Vol 01Here Comes Sanada-san
Vol.1 Ch.3 : Vol 01White and Black's Fight
Vol.1 Ch.2 : Black Valkyrie
8 voted


The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

From Cidsa:
A spaceship lands on a bathhouse which belongs to Kazuto's family. Inside is Princess Warukure (Valkyrie) who gives part of her soul to Kazuto to save him from death (caused by her crash).
Since she only has half of her soul, she turns into her child self. Now Kazuto and company must figure out how to fix the bathhouse and change Warukure back to normal.

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