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Vartrag Tale

Oki Mamiya 0 released.
Drama / Fantasy / Shoujo / Supernatural
フェアトラーク寓話; フェアトラーク寓話 コルマ城の執事; フェアトラーク寓話 コルマ城の執事; Vartrag Tale - Korumajou no Shitsuji; Vertrag Guuwa; Vertrag Tale;
Vol.2 Ch.13 : End
Vol.2 Ch.12
Ch.11 : :
80 voted


Plot: Ralph can see angels and demons. When he was five years old he came across the winged demon Valafar and was completely charmed by him. He made a pact with the demon in order to make his wish, to live with Valafar, come true. Seven years must pass, and there are two conditions that must be met for the pact to be fulfilled. Can the older Ralph discard his ties to humanity and fulfill the pact...?

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Vol.2 Ch.13 : End

Jul 7, 2015

Vol.2 Ch.12

Jul 4, 2015

Ch.11 : :

Jun 30, 2015

Vol.2 Ch.10 : The Mad Cat of the Full Moon

Jun 21, 2015

Vol.2 Ch.9 : The Grice Crest

May 27, 2015

Vol.2 Ch.8

Apr 27, 2015


Mar 23, 2015


Feb 3, 2015

Vol.1 Ch.5 : The Bet's Winnings

Jan 10, 2015

Ch.4 : Ralphie's All Saint's Day

Dec 21, 2014


Jan 27, 2011


Jan 27, 2011


Jan 27, 2011
click to show all of the chapters


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Salut je veux trouver les gens qui parle francais
FRENCH PEOPLE EXIST ???!!! ( I’m French)
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I was just gonna post my own profile as a joke but now I'm like wtf how do y'all just have...
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