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尤匠子 2022 released.
Webtoons / Shoujo / Comedy
今天你露馅了吗?!; Jintian Ni Louxianle Ma?!
Ch.15 : Letter of Invitation new
Ch.14 : Unforeseen
Ch.13 : We’ll meet again
132 voted


Mini is a "Scum Detector", and her latest job is from a rich girl who wants to test her boyfriend's loyalty. However, her boyfriend, Zhao Yueming, is a straightforward gentleman, and Mini's usual methods don't work on him. This is a bit tricky for Mini, who is used to dealing with scumbags regularly. This game of tug-of-war between the womanizer and the one who understands them best is about to begin. Who will fall into the trap of love first?!

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Surprised no one mentioned Andrew.
Unpopular opinions ( SEX TURNOFFS)
french kissing. don't hate it just would never do it. also cuckolds. fuck cucks smh. also ...
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Probably an AMV of an yaoi anime on youtube lolol its been so long i dont really remember ...
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Lord have mercy

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