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Wings In The Sky Core

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Andre Cante , Vagner Santos 0 released.
Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Supernatural / Mystery
4 voted


Wings In The Sky Core is a story that portrays the eternal confrontation of Angels, Demons and Magical Creatures. Latif Arizon, the main character, is a young Guardian Angel whose dream is to unify all the Realms of the great Universe and declare equality for all the inhabitants of it. With the help of his two companions, Flora Phew and Reverz Lanoir (Trio Mars), tries to prevent the spread of evil, wanting to bring the balance that once existed in the Kingdom of Heaven, ruled by the king, Skyhartz. On their journey they encounter very strong enemies like Lew Schiffer, and then, they will see that only willpower will not be enough to achieve the much desired peace ... "

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Aug 20, 2018


Apr 12, 2017


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