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Yasha (Naked Ape)

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Naked Ape 0 released.
Horror / Shounen
鵺射; Black Tar
Vol.1 Ch.03
Vol.1 Ch.02
Vol.1 Ch.01
6 voted


There were once two demons who carried bows on their backs and had sharp swords in their hands. When their eyes turned black, they swallowed the darkness and the people. All that was left was black blood, and the only thing they were afraid of was the yomizakura. With their bodies badly damaged, they chased after a person who could not be killed forever.
From: mellymoon

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Vol.1 Ch.03

Dec 22, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.02

Dec 22, 2011

Vol.1 Ch.01

Dec 22, 2011


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