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Yopparai Touzoku, Dorei No Shoujo Wo Kau

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Aramaki Hemon 2022 released.
Adventure / Fantasy / Harem / Romance / Seinen / Slice Of Life
None; A Drunk Thief Bought A Sl@v3Z Girl
Vol.3 Ch.16 : New Job
Vol.3 Ch.15 : Must Protect That Smile At All Cost!!!
157 voted


A hangover leads to a shared life between a thief and a slave girl.Harris is an adventurer who works as a thief and scout, a job that is often shunned due to poor reputation.One day he gets drunk and buys a slave girl, Tiana. Tiana, who had been treated badly and not given enough food until then, comes to adore Harris, who treats her kindly, as her master. Harris, who had been hoping that Tiana would grow up to be a beautiful woman, is gradually drawn to her because of her innocence.Harris' life changes drastically when he begins living with Tiana: warm meals, freshly washed clothes, and interaction with the townspeople who had never come close to him before. On the other hand, he finds himself in more and more troublesome situations, will he manages to escape from them with his skill and tact...?This is the story of the "rebirth" of a shabby thief, which begins with an encounter with a slave girl.

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Idk go read your gay porn manhwas
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It will pass
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大地を踏みしめて 君は目覚めていく 天使の微笑みで 連れ出して!(y...
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... Welp.. Turn it all into a novel or manga :)) Your writing skills seem nice. Turn your...
What's left of me now?
Cry about it, scream about it, then drink some water for your throat and because you cried...

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did made a discord server


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