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Youkoso Arisawa-Ke E

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Katsuragi 2022 released.
Slice Of Life
Vol.1 Ch.5.5
Vol.1 Ch.5
Vol.1 Ch.4
79 voted


Seijirou, a typical 40-year-old salaryman, resigns from his company after taking responsibility for his subordinate's failure. During an interview for a new job, he comes face-to-face with a 12-year-old boy named Taishi, the young head of the prestigious Arisawa family! Bound and held captive, Seijirou is forced to work for this family. Through the daily chaos of being shoved around by the insufferable Taishi, Seijirou comes to understand the struggles of someone unable to live like a child. Under one roof, a heartwarming love story unfolds between a couple with a 28-year age gap.

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Other manga by the same author(s)


Vol.1 Ch.5.5

Jun 20, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.5

Jun 20, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.4

Jun 20, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.3

Jun 20, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.2

Jun 20, 2023

Vol.1 Ch.1

Jun 20, 2023


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What's left of me now?
Idk go read your gay porn manhwas
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It will pass
What's left of me now?
大地を踏みしめて 君は目覚めていく 天使の微笑みで 連れ出して!(y...
What's left of me now?
... Welp.. Turn it all into a novel or manga :)) Your writing skills seem nice. Turn your...
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Cry about it, scream about it, then drink some water for your throat and because you cried...

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