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Travelling Around The Globe

Bella 17 10,2020
Good friends or at least normal wouldn't say such things. Ur dress, hair cut or something... People d know what loyalty means. Even if they don't like something about u, they must say: 'U r pretty, but this dress isn't very suit u', 'It s great choice, but ...' . And about ur parents... They can think, what they want, but not to tell it. From my p......   reply
17 10,2020
I also have a friend who constitly just tells me she hates me and makes fun of me when we’re around other friends like she almost makes fun of me to be “cool” and then when it’s just me and her she is like I’m being rude and that’s it. So I understand what it feels like and it doesn’t feel good so honestly I think you should try to ma......   reply
17 10,2020
SS_14 17 10,2020
I think you're doing great by leaving them, by what you are telling here they are toxic. I get that you don't want to be alone, but you said, you what to have a good highscool life, and if you don't feel great with this friendship you should end it. And if you stay in this toxic friendship you may not find new friends, but if you're free from this ......   1 reply
17 10,2020
yeah no
17 10,2020
girl they are obviously toxic, but I get the feeling of not wanting to be alone, but its okay just go on discord o some other porn website (ppl there are always lonely and nice :D)   reply
17 10,2020
17 10,2020
I used to have friends like that. If they're being mean to you and continuously making jokes like that, I think it'd be best to leave at some point- before they tear away at your confidence. Just maybe spend less time around them, you don't even have to really drop them. If you can, please tell them that you don't like these kinds of jokes, even ......   reply
17 10,2020
Travel dreams [Answer]
17 10,2020
Idk , a vaporware world/ music riding an vintage car with a luxury scarf on my head and popping lipstick !!   reply
17 10,2020
17 10,2020
Hello , so I'm a high schooler (16 y.o) , I used to hang out with my two friends since middleschool but the year we passed to HS , the changed somehow .
They would tell me jokes that hurt me like :
why you dress like this ? -You look ugly - Mmmh , You're not pretty - You should try something else - Your outfit is just laame
And there is that day , I felt like they insulted my MOTHER . I am the youngest among my siblings so my mother is her 50's . while those two girls are the oldest , their mothers are in the 30's . So , when we met one of their mothers , I said : wow , your mother looks young !
the other one replied :WeLl oUr moThErS aRe YouNg (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
Btw , they met my mother before , and then I felt rrly rrly annoyed , like she said it in a manner , like she wante to hurt me saying that.
I don't talk with them anymore , I want to finish this "friendship" but I don't want to be lonely and the same time I wanna live my high school days with good memories (≧∀≦) Please tell me what should I do ? and thank you so much for reading (●'◡'●)ノ
17 10,2020
Travel dreams [Answer]
macario 10 09,2020
I want to move somewhere like Wisconsin in an apartment.   1 reply
10 09,2020
Travel dreams [Answer]
10 09,2020
In your arms   1 reply
10 09,2020
Travel dreams [Answer]
Taku~ 10 09,2020
in your bed, sexy ;)   2 reply
10 09,2020

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