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They normally say your mom doesn't count, but what if it was a french kiss? (Don't ask why she's done worse ㅍ_ㅍ)
04 05,2024
Yallll i jus started readin this genre of chinese comics i think its called yowie isss like about two chinese vatos makin out and linkin buttholes and one of dem is called uke or que mamada an the other vato is a seme or semilla or whtever the fuack but what yall think i am??
Me personally?? I think im an uke cause im rlly a bad bitch likeeee in rl i actually kinda look like cillian murphy except I from nigerian descent likeee im rlly the envy of all these aunties over here they always be sayin i shouldve been born a girl but to that i say they shouldve been watching they man cause i stole em'!! Nawh like frfr my tia dd honduras tenia una esposo muy guapa an i stole his ass frfr i flashed my ass at him in the urnials and he was kinda hesitant at first cause i had jus finished shittin so mi culito rosado got a llil bit of cacita but i lied an told him bottoms dont poop annn we fucked. I was actually his first gay
But yh im def uke an what are yall??
02 03,2024
If you don't know, Styx makes these posts often. '' this will be my final piece and we won't respond to anyone more arguments unless a new one is brought up. THE SOURCES WILL BE AT THE BOTTOM


You're wrong, it can hurt children and is actively being used to groom children. 'In fact, certain software can be used to make images and videos of real victims look like "fictional" drawings or cartoons.
In this way, this allows offenders to effectively disguise a real act of child sexual abuse, potentially preventing law enforcement from bringing victims to safety.
It may also enable repeat offenders to avoid detection.' from a psychology website of course, and this is talking about what it can do. I'll like to point out most of our main points. *It may also enable repeat offenders to avoid detection.' * also, here are the numbers. 'According to statistics generated by the United States Postal Inspection Service, 80 percent of child pornography purchasers are active abusers and almost 40 percent of the child pornographers investigated during the past several years have sexually molested children in the past.' along with 'As such, it is clear that owning and viewing child pornographic pictures extends beyond merely looking at pictures and most often involves the actual sexual abuse of children in the past, present, and future of the offender.' so yeah, people liking CP are likely to offended and be a pedophilie.


You don't know us, and you'll never know unless we bring someone up. You don't know us in real life, and we only SHOW you what we agreed on showing. You don't know us, you'll never will. This point is moot as our conversation is about pedophilia.


Here is the definition from the oxford dictionary. The one that is mostly used. 'a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views.' okay, fine. Here's why defending child porn is and unpopular opinion. 'As the body and mind process the devastation of sexual violence, many different emotions, behaviors, and physical responses appear and disappear and may reappear.' the effects of being sexual abused. So they're simply wrong, an opinion is something like 'I love strawberries' not 'I think CP is okay because blah blah blah.'

Fine. They have an illness, guess what? Therapy. 'But in the states' again, that's a separate topic. But I digress and will respond to it. '"Pedophiles may not have control over the fact that they are attracted to kids, but they are responsible for whether they do or don't act on it."' there. They may not have control, but they have actions. THEY have a choice to rather or not hurt children. If they act on it. They have the option to stay away from kids, the internet, and everything else.


Just for some numbers, 'This aligns with research showing men are more likely to have other paraphilias, including exhibitionism, voyeurism and sadism. Men are also more likely than women to commit criminal acts.' yes its a generalazatuon, due to the fact that men ARE more likely. Are there women pedophiles? Yes, and we'll willing to talk about a double standard. Can you show us a manga where there is a female lead? We'll talk about it.


Styx is a protector. To her, her duty is protection. Yes she has a personality and is more than her role. But in the end, her main focus is to protect us against pedophiles. That's why does it, and it's so she can protecting innocent children. So, you're right. She is obsessed with calling out pedophiles.

If you wanna argue, argue with me. Don't drag people into it.

Virtual child sexual abuse material depicts fictitious children, but it can be used to disguise real abuse

From Fantasy to Reality: The Link Between Viewing Child Pornography and Molesting Children
Author(s) Candice Kim

Preying on Children: The Emerging Psychology of Pedophiles

The Effects of Sexual Assault

The complicated research behind pedophilia

Female sex offenders reveal cultural double standard
18 11,2023
do y'all ever visit someone's profile here and go through their lists (reading/already read/want to read) and thought hmm should i call fbi? cos same.
18 11,2023
Just a general question tbh
24 10,2023
I actually only knew about this site after quite a few scanlation teams on mangadex put out a notice 'BEWARE OF MANGAGO'.
24 10,2023
I'm so tired of sex scenes in yaoi i really want something thats just pure wholesomeness, its okay if theres a lil sexy scenes but not too much, can yall recommend some? thank youuuu
23 09,2023
drop whats tolerable in smut but would make you cringe irl. any actions or spoken things
27 08,2023
Guys I think it's time to do a remoulding my Spotify playlist so plz help me to do so . And I am also wanna know ur fav songs.
So, leggggggg goooooooo୧( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )୨
20 08,2023
Google translations so bad that you hardly understand stuff, or getting updates with bad translations just to see it end in whatever shape or form.
19 08,2023
16 08,2023
I really wanna know how's life treating you guys right now, cause for me it fucking sucks ass college started for 3 days and I've experienced all the unlucky shit in the world.
16 08,2023
What was your first Ship ? And now what about your latest?

Did your tastes change or did they stay the same?
16 08,2023
Ranran 16 08,2023
I'm curious what are the pet peeves of the people here in this site hehehe
16 08,2023
I go to bed around 7:00/8:00 am on most days but I try to aim around 2:30/3:00 am
16 08,2023
what was it like and how’d u deal with it?
if u dont mind sharing
16 08,2023
Honestly it’s embarrassing and wired how I did, but I first discover yaoi because of gacha life. I was a gacha kid and liked watching those weird gacha things and saw a gay one so I clicked it and watched it. I don’t remember my reaction, but I do know that I liked it and kept watching them. Then I got into anime and manga and boom. I discovered yaoi. Fyi I no longer watch gacha life and find most of it cringy, unless your one of those talented gacha editors I don’t like it anymore.
16 08,2023
Today I watched all the episodes of mignon and I have to say it was actually more good then hyperventilation. Felt like i wish it had more episodes story is very short but worth well it's my pov I wanna know about u all too
15 08,2023
I'm taking Korean lessons and I'm not understanding anything, i feel like YouTube is teaching me better than in class, they start talking as if they know everything about the culture even if you try to explain things and teach us directly with Korean, without even explaining the different styles of speech like the formal or casual one and how they end. They expect me to know words when I'm literally clueless, like not everyone who's learning Korean a fan of k-pop or kdramas i just want to learn it to read books and novels in peace without waiting for a translation. I don't vibe with the teacher then blame myself for it thinking I'm being bitchy too. So if you have anything to say like how a phrase should end or even reply with a word alongside it's translation it would be appreciated
21 07,2021
I admit it, I just got into zodiac signs because of all the memes, and videos like "zodiac signs as famous vines", " zodiac signs as Stan twitter videos"
And one time a girl asked me about my zodiac sign as I was like OK I'm Aries, and she got so excited and went on to talk about astrology and how it affects life and I was just sitting there like :-) I just came here for the memes
20 07,2021
if u do, have u done it?
19 07,2021