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I was in zoom class just now and I didn't notice my mic was on and we were all doing independent work, so it was really quiet. I went to the bathroom and sat down and started letting out the fattest fart and longest stream of pee. I looked over at my computer screen since I brought it with me and... IT SAID "THE HOST HAS MUTED YOU" AIEHFWOEFBQPIFWIPN ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! I WAS SO SHOCKED THAT I STOOD THERE FOR A FEW MINUTES COMPLPLATING HOW I COULD LEAVE MY COUNTRY RWSZTRWASTCVYIT

Make me feel better? Pls?
07 04,2021
my moms taking all my devices bc im failing. like the WHOLE point of me going back is to GET MY GRADES UP DUMBASS
12 10,2020
If I could go back to the past I won't do things that I'll regret in the long run. I wont focus that much on academics and I'll do ballet, play piano, learn how to dance, draw AGHHHH I just wanna be a kid again
23 07,2020
If you can go back time, what will you change? And what mistake will you never repeat again??
04 06,2020