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Disclaimer: I don't intend nor want to excuse anything or anyone lower mentioned. Also this is personal opinion of mine, if you don't agree it's okay. Also I had to do edit, because I'm fool who cannot read properly. Excuse me. I do listen lot of podcasts about serial killers and yeah, some of them were pedophiles. But honestly I carefully choose ......   1 reply
16 05,2021
Irl criminals shouldn’t be idolized, and such shouldn’t be normalized, I respect pedos that are able to keep their hands to themselves and actually seek therapy, but those who try to normalize them is what’s wrong, I mean the whole “MAP” shit crossed the line, for serial killers, people just glamorize and idolize the pretty ones even thou......   1 reply
16 05,2021
NOT educated on the topic, but i do know that pedophilia is a sort of mental sickness. why would someone WANT to be a pedophile, you know? i sympathize with people who suffer from that disease, but the second they act on it? they second they touch a child - it's over for me. fckn chop them up into pieces, make a smoothie and toss that shit into out......   1 reply
16 05,2021
I don't know man but being the victim of those are real shit.   reply
16 05,2021
I'm the type that wouldn't give a fuck unless it happened before my very eyes, so I dunno what to say man.   reply
04 05,2021
ok if someone suffers from pedophilia then they should get help and stay in the hospital before they cause harm to someone if they do rape a child because of their mental illness well they gotta go to court if they're child molesters then die also stop simping for rapists and murderers its disgusting   reply
04 05,2021
nah idgaf fuck all rapist like bruh their is NO reason for you to rape someone. 2. pedos who act on it are scumbags of the earth and even if they dont act on it i would still be uncomfortable being around one or having a child next to one because u cant trust em and ew gross 3. with murders depending on the situation and mindset... like thats someo......   reply
04 05,2021
the norrmalize saying "ITS JUST A 2D CHARACTER" like wth i dont care what their opinion anymore   1 reply
04 05,2021
People simp for serial killers now?   3 reply
04 05,2021
Most of the pedos were victims of sexual assault in their childhood as well so considering that fact, if those people received proper care from professional they might not have turned out to be pedophiles, pedophiles were victims at some point of their lives but the moment they put their hands on a child is the moment those people become monsters. ......   reply
21 01,2021

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