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Im in need of something to read right now. Preferably korean manhwas. Please please PLEASE GIVE ME RECOMMENDATIONS I need something to read.
30 10,2023
and YOU can have it too! yes yes. YOU! YOU BITCHLESS ONE! AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE!!

STOP worrying about your 1 inch guy!!
STOP worrying girls will avoid you!!
STOP getting pegged instead (optional)

IT EVEN WORKS IF YOU WERE BORN A GIRL! we do not discriminate

I'm presenting you this discord server who's gonna make your life astronomical better! JOIN US TODAY (don't sleep on this offer TODAY IS THE DAY YOUR LIFE CHANGE AT A CLICK DISTANCE)

(also if the invitation doesn't work anymore, dm me)
22 10,2023
but idk if anyone's gonna read it, my art is not allat so i hope the story can keep people stay BUT I'M SO SHIT AT PLOT MAKING if you have any ideas come help ur boy out
22 10,2023
i remember like a few years ago i was on another website (cant remember which one not mangago thats for sure), and i was looking for some new boys love and i stumble over this tanned top and like explorer bottom (not fan of those terms but you get it). so i only read one chapter and it goes like:
explorer is in the jungle, explorer falls into a hole. in this hole theres black people, and, here comes the worse part they go like "ooga booga" have bones in their nose and the stereotypical lips thats just a donut right ? and here comes the top, a tall ass tanned dude with the LEAST african features ever and the only one that looks even remotely human from the group, and i don't remember anything else bcs i gave up at the first sight of the racist stereotype.

has anyone else read this or is it just a fever nightmare i had
21 10,2023
I forgot what this one manhwa (?) I once saw on yt some time ago.
Basically some dude that lives on the top floor of the MC is a killer and killed a pregnant woman. And the MC accidentally entered the killers apartment and is trying to hide from him.
21 10,2023
Saeran Choi
02 07,2021
Can someone tell me from where can I open my reading list?
I mean there's a lot of manga I but in the I want to read list and now I can't find them ╥﹏╥
02 07,2021
02 07,2021
So I was today years old that I found out that apparently there are straight men out there who pretend they are gay to ‘lure women and sleep with them’

like what kind of trash do you have to be!?

What do y’all think?

02 07,2021
Looking at you @An idiot and @antisocialcappucino
02 07,2021
Trigonometry or smth
1. If a leg of an isosceles triangle is 12 cm, what is the measure of the other leg?
2. Find the longer leg of a 309 – 60°- 900 triangle if the shorter leg is 13 cm.
3. In a 45° - 450- 90° triangle, find the measure of each leg if the opposite of 90° angle is 20 cm.

Give answers with solutions ´・ᴗ・`

Whoever answers all right get Idk free webcomic account with 8k coins
30 06,2021
come over i got Godvia, twix, reeses, m&ms, hershey, ghirardelli, 3 musketeers, whatever you need really i gotchu and i love you and hope your day was good if it wasnt ill make you some coffee tea or hot cocoa and we can sit on my bed and talk about it oki? I love you(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
30 06,2021
so my uncle came up with an idea of sending me to a monastery to turn me het. with all due respect, r u sick in the head?

funny how my uncle reacted that way when he's not even related to me. like u r just my mom's sister's husband. i dont need u in my life.
30 06,2021
so i was 11 when this happened and is still fresh on my mind on what happened to that man.

my dad showed me a fb live of a man h@nging himself. while hes slowly dy!ng his kid is just looking above him and the kid is loudly crying calling him "papa" and the fb live is just continuing until he d!e.

im still traumatized until this day.
13 06,2021
Uwu hey guys! I have something to tell you all uwu owo. Well, i was thinking owo, could someone pwease tell me if i’m quirky enough? UwU well i just wanted to know guys!! Also i’m looking for a sugar daddy OwO UwU, if you’re interested DM on discord!!!

Username: ForAllLegalReasonsThisIsAJokePlsDontAttackMe#1234
11 06,2021