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ohhh god- well in middle school i would always end up getting crushes on girls and guys- no matter who i would always fall in love with someone that interacted with me in any way at all, since im an introvert and i have social anxiety i dont really have many friends so the attention makes me attracted to others lmao- at this point i dont care who i......   reply
04 12,2020
when i was five or six i would make out with my neighbor who was a girl and we would do it everyday i think (btw i thought this was normal). I still don't know if i fully like girls sooo can you guys help me?? Oh and btw the last time i searched up “girls twerking”, i would feel weird watching them like, i would get butterflies in my stomach.......   1 reply
04 12,2020
Let’s just say I hade a very explicit dream about shego from Kim possible.   reply
04 12,2020
so when i was really little and barely knew youtube, this boy my age who was my friend since we were babies suggested that we search up "dirty things".. so i immediately searched up "hot girls" instead of guys? and so we both just giggled and made fun of each other for blushing.. i had my first crush in fourth grade and it was a guy, so i never tho......   reply
04 12,2020
i called myself a tomboy and bought my friends food so they would catch feelings for me in grade school. strong lesbian   1 reply
04 12,2020
i used to kiss girls on the cheek   reply
04 12,2020
make out ses w alot of friends in ages 6-10   reply
04 12,2020
I used to refuse to play girl x girl games and when I did download one, I deleted my save file in denial when I started catching feels for one of them lmao - and uh, well, turns out I deleted it for nothing and now I have to deal with the pain of playing through the game all over again to recover that deleted data hggg   reply
04 12,2020
Liking the blue (power) ranger not because he's good in fighting but because me thinks he's kinda handsome. Hohoho   reply
03 12,2020
My unhealthy obsession with Zane and Cole from Lego Ninjago. Also Danny Phantom.   6 reply
03 12,2020

Search thing


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