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I read this manga like years ago but I can’t remember the name or plot all I remember is that there was a age gap and in one of the first chapters the FL’s flip flop broke and older ML fixes it for her
22 days
Help find BL webtoon
The MC accidentally witnesses a murder and in panic, told the murderer that he likes him (and that he is a stalker?)
The murderer is actually a hitman I believe, and works as a veterinarian. (He also has a sister who is in the same business?) Very handsome
So basically MC pretends to be madly in love in order to stay alive.

Please help. I've been searching this for weeks
25 days
It was a Isekai manhwa where female protagonist would wake up in hospital sometimes and hear her family talking bad things about her saying that she should have dies etc but everything would be hazzy and she would again wake up in this fantasy world. I read it so long ago that I don't remember what it was about, only this fragment.
26 03,2024
bro quadratics are easy n shit i know but im having a massive brain fart and the steps im doing just dont work for me no more I NEED HELP BRO basically one of the many questions is (ill link it on photos) and basically i gotta use the formula “factorising to solve quadratic equations of the form a
16 09,2023
Hey there please help to find this comic I read this story like long ago and Idk why it got popped out so suddenly I tried to find the name of this comic .....but no luck so help me find it

In the comic ai think uke plays double character like as an assistant/employee at seme working company .....he is also a singer at bar day seme starts getting attracted to the singer non other than his assistant himself and also I think uk and seme has some previous history.

By the way ig i read this comic in webcomic
16 09,2023
I can't find it especially on tiktok this manhwa is like about a girl who got transported to an aristocrat world where all the ladies have huge hair and is decorated in crazy ways like a fruit bowl or a peacock idk the plot this all i know so please help I'm gonna cry i wanna read it so bad
10 09,2023
Vee 19 08,2023
This manga is about how two sons parents marry and immediately the sons hit it off. I think the older son is gay and the younger son soon quickly falls for the other son. But years pass and nothing happens until the younger one comes into the older one. Of course there is a misunderstanding about feelings but then it gets resolved. They both liked each other after first meeting.
19 08,2023
basically I watched it being on YouTube. I remember it had a ml which had tan skin golden eyes and black hair he was either a prince or a king I can't remember. and the fl was either a male or a female and they had something that made them extremely attractive something like a butterfly but at the same time dangerous. the ml's mother was the same that's why he doesn't like them at the start. That everything I know, if you know the name I would really appreciate it!
19 08,2023
Hello PLEASE HELP!! I read this manga a while ago i cant for the life of me remember the name. Does anyone have a clue? The manga is about a college student who is secretly an otaku but pretend to be stylish and cool so he can have cool friends and fit in. He starts seeing this guy who dresses lame like him and the end up having sex and when he goes back to tell his cool friends about it, it turn out one of the cool guys was actually his fuck buddy but the mc hasn’t realized it because he dresses so differently.
28 07,2023
Okay so theres this one wlw manhua where like this one girl gets a crush on this other girl in class and so on the tv there was a live footage of pride parade since it was pride month and then everybody in class was like Ewww and so she felt like yea ew..... but deep inside yk and so she comes back home and her mother is trying to find her a partner like a male and she gets upset and her mother starts ranting abt lgbtq. Next day shes back at school and the girl she likes confesses to her but teacher comes in and she rejects and so later on in life one time she watches pride parade on tv and her old crush is there with a girlfriend and then its all bitter ending
19 07,2021
I read this one ages ago. It was about middle child of Handsome dad and Beautiful mom, his elder brother and little sister was also extraordinaryly beautiful. He felt he wasn't real member of family because of how others threat him when he is with his family, (like how can this dull person be part of this glamorous family). But his family loved him. Can't remember the name. Anyone help me find this manga.
19 07,2021
Hello!! I'm looking for a manga where the uke liked to collect figurines but hid his hobby because it caused a girl to call him "disgusting" in the past.
Because of that incident, he was terrified of girls and once he got popular he would always turn down their confessions. But after a particularly stubborn girl wouldn't take "no" for an answer, he grabed a random guy that was walking by and pretended it was his boyfriend. Turns out, the guy took it seriously, and the uke was too afraid of his looks (the seme looked like a yankee) to break up or clear the misunderstanding. Following the advice of his friends, he tried to get the seme to break up with him (like, doing awful lunches and stuff like that), but the seme was a really nice guy and didn't break up with him. After a rainy day, the uke invited the seme over to his house, and the seme accidentally found out about the figurine hobby of the uke. Instead of thinking it was weird, he accepted it and even conversed with the uke about it. After some days, when the friends of the uke asked him if he had already broken up with the seme, the uke got defensive and, because he didn't want his friends to think he was gay out of fear of being called disgusting, he said some bad things about the seme. But the seme overheard the conversation. When the uke realized the seme was there, he froze. The seme droped a present he had bought for the uke and ran away. The uke saw that the present was a really rare figurine he had told the seme that he wanted and, regreting having said all the bad things he said about the seme to his friends, confronted his friends and told them he liked the seme for real, and then he went out to chase the seme. I can't remember well the ending but I think that the uke triped on stairs while chasing the seme, and the seme came back to assist him. They ended up together.

Any help would be appreciated, I love this manga but I can't remember the name.
12 07,2021
Hi guys,

Trying to find a manga about 3 brothers: ones a detective, ones a highschooler (named yuuto irc) and the last ones a junior/middle schooler.

The brother yuuto is super pure but he helps his brother in a dating service(?).
The youngest brother is a bro-con for the second brother, yuuto

Sorry I cant help much more. My memory is fuzzy
08 07,2021
Found this gem on r/suddenlygay and tried to find it myself but gave up after a while... If any of y’all can find it or remember reading it that would be amazing :D I’ll post the picture in the comment!
26 06,2021
It's a yaoi manga about a PE teacher where I think in Valentines day, gives all his students chocolate and one condom and at the end of the day the students... *ahem* fuck him *ahem* one by one.
21 06,2021
21 06,2021
i'm about to lose my mind. can someone please help me find this manga where the seme is some non human being and he protects uke until the uke gets his soul stolen (or got broken idk i've forgotten some critical details) and then entered this vegetative like state. in his dream he met this woman that looks EXACTLY like him wearing a white kimono (which he thinks the seme previously loved), cue some misunderstandings and yadda yadda. ARGH, I'VE FORGOTTEN SOME IMPORTANT DETAILS. but please, if you know some manga that has a plot similar to this, do tell me! i want to read it again. :^(

something i vaguely remember: uke can see supernatural beings.
21 06,2021
It's about two families fighting a war against eachother in the middle age ig but the 'blond guy's' (seme) family wins so the black haired (uke) surrenders to save his ppl and then he is taken as a slave after a while he wakes up somwhere else and tries to join a guild where theres someone who looks so much like the blond guy who imprisoned him ..
Idk if anything of what i said makes any sense but i also don't get the story ..hopefully someone will get it( ̄∇ ̄")
05 06,2021
thats all i have to say, free Palestine
10 05,2021
I remember there was like a queen bee or some sort of huge bee in it I think it was a yaoi, I need to get a sc of it and send it to a guy who called my friend almost every slur in the book!! All I remember is that there was a huge Bee and a dude having seggs with it pls help!!!
28 04,2021