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This has been bugging me...
Every once in a while, I'm deep into a story then I can't take it seriously because the sex is so unrealistic. Maybe Yaoi writers don't know how male anatomy works or they're all virgins, who knows

For example, I hate when a ukes asshole is wetter than the Niagara, and its not event omegaverse. There is little moisture in an actual ass. Unless you plan on tearing your asshole and shitting everywhere, you need to douche, apply heavy lubricant, and say a little prayer. Its time consuming and I get why the self care part isn't included. But, at least use lube...
27 10,2023
I had a nice experience with it I would say.
My Boyfriend at that time was very experienced and kind to me, so he made sure that I didn’t felt too uncomfortable.
It wasn’t the nicest feeling ofc since I don't usually masturbate with a Dildo or even finger myself.

However it could have been much worse and I appreciated his kindness.

I was 16 at that time.
31 05,2021
I'll go first. I regret being such a big ass loser when I was in highschool. I should've made some friends rather than just being a loner. I only realized that it's not hard to make friends when I went to university abroad.

So, what's yours?
30 05,2021
Some cockroaches fly. The Asian and Australian ones do.
30 05,2021
Did u know? Male hippopotamuses fling their poop by spinning tails around to impress females and to mark their territory

Now u know
30 05,2021
30 05,2021
Tell me ur phobias
30 05,2021
30 05,2021
What are your thoughts on people who dislike when people ship women together but excuse when it's two men- both ways ofc
30 05,2021
Im tired of pick me girls. Does pick me boys exist?
30 05,2021
so a couple of days ago i made friends with that uwu kid with the hajime pfp and i regret it so fucking much like can someone just go to my home screenshot it then i can delete any evidence of my ass accepting their friend invite OM MY MESSAGE BOARD
30 05,2021
30 05,2021
Worse and cringiest pick me girl situations? I just want to cringe ┐(´(エ)`)┌
30 05,2021