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"mak kau hijau" literally translate to your mom is green   reply
26 04,2024
మీ అమ్మ పచ్చ రంగు (mee amma pachcha rangu) literal translation: your mom is green coloured   reply
09 03,2024
I see no malis - hooyodaa wa cagaar   reply
09 03,2024
Ina mo'y berde (Inamoy berde??? Ampota gago ano raw ang inamoy HAHAHJSJSJSHAHJAHA)   reply
09 03,2024
Inay mo verde   reply
09 03,2024
Mama mo green   1 reply
09 03,2024
mama mo green! mama ko?!?   reply
09 03,2024
tor ma shobuj   1 reply
09 03,2024
Helps me find this [Question]
09 03,2024
So I know this is a manga website but I have no where else to ask here I go

I read it on ao3 and it was a villain deku story and it was inspired by granny and stuff so basically izuku was left at an orphanage and he's was there to a point where he faked a smile so much he like couldn't STOP smiling and stuff and uh next thing I remember is that he had to be moved to like Granny's house or something because no one would adopt him and stuff and he was basically going through hell like every time he tried to get out the old dude or grandma would knock him out and he'd be back in the basement and so like next he finds a journal about the previous victims and starts to write in it and stuff and it also tells him stuff thatl help him escape and like a few chaps letter shinso joins that party and like izuku realizes he's gonna die soon cuz like ppl only last like 4 months once a new person comes then their killed so izuku prepares shinso for his death and for him to escape I think but stuff happens and they both make it out then they end up in a town they find a bus that they make their home izuku gets a cardboard mask and his nickname is like smile or smth and shinso has a frown cardboard mask then they start fighting ppl and izuku makes shinso use his quirk on them. And makes them smile and izuku hits them with a bat

That's all I can remember lol sorry if it's to long (◞‸◟ㆀ)ˢᵒʳʳʸ
09 03,2024
BROOOOO I JIST FINSIHED READIMG A LONG ASSSS STORY AND ONE OF MY ABSOLITE TOP THREE FAVIRITE CHATACTERS DIIIEEEEEEDDD. NOOOOOOOO. I WAS ABSOILTEY IN LOVE WITH HIMMMMM AND THEY (THE AUTHOR) OFFED HIMM!!!! LIKE WHAAATTTTT. brooo . It gonna be like another two years until the series is finished too. Imma be living with this trauma forever . (So like......   7 reply
09 03,2024

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