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Have An Unpopular Opinion

I would say to go for it. Like you said you only live once and like my mother says there are plenty more fish in the sea! ^_^ also make sure to be safe.   1 reply
13 02,2019
Do it!!! Be safe. And tell us what happens!   1 reply
13 02,2019
Go for it! Who knows? He might actually like you too! Give it a try~   reply
13 02,2019
13 02,2019
Wow, are you me ? lol Same age and same situation as you, unless the fact that I already talked to him and I'm going to see him this Sunday :) We both accepted to be friends with benefits, he knows that I'm a virgin and he told me that he will be careful, so that helped me to relax about the whole situation aha! So yea, go for it ! And if it ......   3 reply
13 02,2019
yes go get that dick   reply
13 02,2019
I'm not sure if asexuals are part of the lgbtq community either. I mean, there isn't one absolute definition of it and if you take it literally, unless you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer you aren't. However, if I've missed something and this group has announced asexuals are included and welcome, please give me the link to it. Ot......   1 reply
12 02,2019
Isn't the lgbt community for people who aren't cis heterosexual heteroromantic? like if you aren't all of these things together then you are part of the lgbt community.   2 reply
12 02,2019
12 02,2019
Do it! As u said u only line once. You have a 50-50 chance and that is good enough! Get your ass smacked and have a tongue shoved down your throat! Go girl! There is nothing to lose except your virginity. Be a bad bitch and make that happen   reply
12 02,2019
12 02,2019
I need help.
I'm 21, never dated, never been in love, and I'm tired of that shit.
I want to date.
I'm ready for love.
I'm ready to be dicked down.
I'm ready for heartbreaks.
I'm ready to have my ass smacked, and a tongue shoved down my throat!
So, this year I plan to start shooting my shot.
There's this cute guys I've seen around my uni campus a few time, around 3 times now. I'm attracted to him.
I want to talk to him.
I want him to know I fucking exist and I'm interested.
So, peps, if ten of you say shoot your shot, I'm doing it.
Fuck it! We live once qnd die once!
If I get rejected, I'll just move on!
What I want to do is this:
1. When I see him next (Thursday), I plan to maintain eye contact and smile.

2. Next Thursday, or any other time we cross path, as we're walking, I want to smile at him, keep eye contact, and say "Hi. This might seem weird and all, but I've seen you around and I was just wondering if we could exchange numbers?"
Tell me to do it or if I should sit my ass down and stop trying.
I'm tired of waiting bc the guys I want are not the ones who come sniffing around.
Like the saying goes, if you want something, you should go get it, right???
12 02,2019
dude why the fuck do you care? They aren't hurting nobody by claiming they are and wanting to be, and I am certain that most of them don't even give a shit. If you exclude someone from a community made by people being excluded since so long ago and wanting to belong, you are just a dick.   reply
12 02,2019

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