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Discord boyfriend [Experience]
Sleepyguest 24 days
we met on a kink server and to no suprise he wanted sexy pics from me all the time,he was boring as hell too (he had a livestream and cleaned up his inventory in baldurs gate 3).   1 reply
24 days
Discord [Experience]
25 days
I wouldn't recommend an online lover to anyone if they can help it. I was about 15-16 when I dated my ex, who was 20 at the time. One of the most draining relationships I've ever had, looking back. I was lonely as hell though and thought this person would fill a void. They didn't. The situation could've ended much worse than it had, so I'm grateful......   reply
25 days
gave me trauma [Experience]
26 days
I was into online roleplay when I was younger (12 or 13) and my character began dating a guy in the RPG. A few months later we began dating outside the RPG at the same time our characters were also dating, I later discovered he was much older than me (like 19) and I still carry trauma from that relationship to this day.   3 reply
26 days
im sorry [Experience]
22 10,2023
i broke up with my first online bf cause he had a big wrinkly thumb(i dont judge by finger sizes but id love it if he had a long thumb)   1 reply
22 10,2023
it's crazy [Experience]
16 10,2023
let me tell you getting into online relationships gives you hella trauma, especially the ones that start from twitter or discord   2 reply
16 10,2023
Like two years ago for 4 months, i assumed we were dating because they were flirting with me... oh god we were insufferable & i'd overthink sooooo much. In the end we broke up because one of my other online friends confessed to both of us and a month later started dating my ex.......... left me with huge trust issues lmao irl dating is 10 times bet......   reply
06 08,2023
Omegle [Answer]
22 07,2021
i saw one of the most fucked up shit i've ever seen. i'll. never. ever. ever. ever. talk about it. BUTTTTTTTT I did see this dude with a HUGE dick. it kinda was scary-   reply
22 07,2021
yes when i was 12, he's 12 too at that time and cute asf , talking with him is so fun and fortunately he's not one of da boyz and know how to respect others...but idk where he is now   reply
22 07,2021
I just noticed that we spelled it all wrong but ehh let it be.   reply
22 07,2021
Omegle [Answer]
22 07,2021
once i did omegle and i saw ppl in furry costumes fucking each other, never did it again.   1 reply
22 07,2021

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