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My family hates me

yeti yeti 2021-01-22 17:58:08 About about uploads
I am literally so freaking frustrated. Why does my family hate me so much? They are so mean to me, and when I get upset they act like I am the crazy one. I get it, IK I fuck up a lot but aren't they being a bit too much. My siblings could literally do no wrong in their eyes, which pisses me off. IK that I get really angry at times and do stupid shit, but it is always them pushing me to my fucking limit. Why am I ALWAYS the bad guy? EVERYTHING I do is wrong. Like why am I the annoying one?
How all this started...
I tried to make my sister's birthday the best it could possibly be, I planned out everything, AND STILL, I managed to fuck it up. My brother randomly decided to take out all the pizza from the box and decided to stack all of the slices, so I got upset and said "What is wrong with you" AND THE BITCH STARTED CRYING, he then THREW STUFF AT ME but worst of all HE S P I T on me.
I was so pissed, I felt so FUCKING disrespected. So I got mad and chased him around and he went to my parents' room. I tried to get to him but my mom held me back and started shouting at ME I told them that he spit on me but she still was focused on me.
I left bc I knew they would never take my side. But I was still upset so took his laptop (HE ONLY PLAYS FUCKING GAMES ON THEM SO THERE IS NO REASON WHY HE NEEDS IT) a few minutes later my mom comes upstairs demanding the laptop, I am still upset at this point so I said I don't know, we argue for some time and she finds it for herself. And I am like ur spoiling him and bla bla. Ofc now she is talking bad about me calling me the bitch and telling my sister "why would you expect to have a good birthday when you have a crazy bitch like your sister". But you what I am used to this shit so I suck it all up.
Then at 6, SHE starts a fight, to be fair I did escalate this fight by screaming. But then she crossing multiple lines. Then ofc my dad comes and wonders why my sister and I are crying and then when I try to explain what happened he starts getting so mad at me for no reason, apparently, I was too loud while explaining what was happening. Then he goes off on me for an hour. THEN ALL OF THIS SETTLES AND I ASSUME IT IS ALL OVER. IN THE FUCKING MORNING HE IS BANGING MY DOOR SCREAMING AT ME FOR LOCKING THE DOOR. I am so fucking flustered at this point that I am sobbing AND NOW HE IS GETTING SO FUCKING AGRESSIVE AT ME. after what seems like forever he leaves.
A point that should be noted is that I am on my period during this time so obviously I am going to be more flustered during all this.
But u have no idea how tired I am, no one is ever on my side, my YOUNGER cousins come to my house and disrespect me.
NO ONE IN MY FAMILY RESPECTS ME, and I feel so anxious talking to anybody about this cause I don't wanna feel like a burden. They always push me to my limit and blame me for everything afterwords. literally, the only reason I am alive is cuz I need to finish one piece


Sagi-shi January 22, 2021 7:00 pm

Count the days until you’re 18 and move out.

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