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My first day as a senior

EmCakes EmCakes 2018-09-04 21:07:04 About first day back to school
This is a long one so hang on.

Well, I started my first day back to high school today (My last year woohoo!!!) with two hours of sleep, talked to and met new people, got ignored by A LOT of other people, ate a crappy lunch, took a long pretest and found out is was a prank by the teacher that was all for nothing except to do the real pretest (Although it was funny to see the reactions of my classmates), found out I was the only girl in my metals class (it's not a bad thing except the fact that my teacher explicitly pointed it out when everyone already knew and told all the guys "no sexism here" and he was answered with laughs) all while it was so hot AND humid outside that it made it worse INSIDE. So yeah. My day wasn't the best and it wasn't the worst. And now I have one less day of my last year of school crossed off. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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