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It's a difficult route.

nini nini 2020-04-02 12:37:13 About not getting over someone
No matter how hectic my days get, I still find myself thinking about her at the end of every quiet nights. For some reason too, I get anxious that my heart would erratically beat, before it turns into this dull ache. And I still haven't figured out why, and when that happens, it's always before dusk.

Maybe it's because of the lack of closure, and those hopeful dreams of seeing the same lights in the city together, those midnight wishes for casual Saturday mornings and lazy afternoons spent with each other, that will now remain as just that, wishes and lost hope and abandoned dreams.

And, it's been a year. I could say it has only been a year. But one year now felt too long without someone to dote on, yet each month passes by too fast with waking up and doing the same monotonous routine and still waiting for that another beginning.

Now, really. Am I just being a fool still waiting for that someone?


Whoever22 April 7, 2020 11:11 pm

If u need someone to talk to then we could talk I've had some bad experiences as well

nini's other experiences