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absolutely hate how women are treated as a plot device to make the one of them jealous and then they're literally thrown aside. not to mention how readers get instantly angry whenever any woman gets close to one of the characters. I was so scared they would do that to our girl in Our Sunny Days but thank goodness they only used that as a cliffhang......   4 reply
19 12,2023
sindsb 19 12,2023
when they're getting fingered and the top says they're wet like bro...that's just their shit   3 reply
19 12,2023
I feel like ive seen this question 50 times within a month   3 reply
19 12,2023
19 12,2023
when they had better chemistry with a side character than the actual love interest and STILL chose the love interest. or when they make a character a bad guy just because he likes the mc. like what did bro do. esp if that's the ONLY reason they're the bad guy. and another ick is when they make the bottom/uke look like a child when they're supposed ......   1 reply
19 12,2023
19 12,2023
I hate how they have sex so many times that they think they fell in love, like bro, that’s not love, ITS LUST. Like they’ve never went on any dates, hung out, or do anything, just fuck and they think that’s love??   reply
19 12,2023
when a virgin gets fucked in the ass for the first time with no prep no foreplay and goes "k-kyaa.... this feels so good..." "o-omg! he's so good at sexing...."   2 reply
26 05,2024
When the main plot revolves around sex/the story starts off with sex right from the get-go. Really pushes towards the fact that the author is just trying to write something smutty to appeal to the horndogs out there who only read just for the gay fetishism.   2 reply
19 12,2023
I hate when they don't let the characters actually bond, bl are always so cold to me, the characters rarely talk to each other (And when they do it's either straight up toxic or comedic". They never seem to actually know each other, i always end up thinking stuff like "they love each other? Why?", they always only like each other looks, sure that m......   1 reply
19 12,2023
Tithee~ 26 05,2024
Just focusing on sex. Literally in every two chapts when they have sex. No storyline just sex! Fuck that mentality! I hate it.   2 reply
26 05,2024
This could also be romance in general: -2nd Male Leads (my poor babies) -harem (like not everyone has the same type tf) -damsel in distress & white knight plot devices (no personality tbh) -edgy edgelords mls (depends) -misunderstanding (idk if it has an interesting story I’ll drop it if not used well) -mc not running away from this toxicity -t......   2 reply
19 12,2023

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