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Love before its birth

There is that dirty witch who lives next door, she spiritually attacked me 4-5 times in last few months.

When witch attacked me for the first time with sleep paralysis, I was physically weak, still recovering after she poisoned me.
That time she succeeded to cut my wings off (why I had the wings I won't tell now)
I was paralyzed and I could hear her evil laugh behind my back.

Next time (after few months) she spiritually attacked again.
I was sleeping, and my awareness woke up immediately sensing the danger. My body was paralyzed, but I set free my astral and I went to the entrance of my home, watching through the window what happens at the outside.
I waited in ambush patently, not knowing what to expect
(my body was still sleeping in another room but my awareness was lucid and I was in moving astral form).

And then I saw the witch! She was in her sleeping gown, pale as a shadow (actually she looked more gray than pale; gray like a gravestone, a ghostly shadow deprived of light, of life).
There was a candle in her hand, and she moved like floating through the air.
I could see her lips moving, chanting spells.
And the flame of the candle moved together in the rhythm with her chanting, like a snake's tongue, poisonous, murderous...
She could not see me but I was silently watching her, secluded behind the door.

Witch approached to my door, chanted something and stretched her hand toward the glass (in the other hand she still held a candle).
First her fingers passed through the glass, then her whole hand, and then her arm, almost to the elbow!
And that was the moment I was waiting for!
I grabbed her arm catching it in the middle of the glass; a half of her arm was caught on the inside, a half of her arm was caught on the outside!
I could see something like drops of blood falling from her astral arm, spreading over the glass.
Witch did not expect the ambush, she was thinking I was paralyzed in my bed.
I wasn't paralyzed! I caught her by surprise.

I opened the door and ordered her not to try to enter again in my space.
She was standing there, caught in flagrante delicto, bleeding.
I could not see clearly if her astral arm was just wounded, or I cut it off.
Anyway, witch was seriously damaged during my ambush attack.
I dismissed her and returned in my physical body to sleep calmly.

Later she tried to attack me a few more times.
But every time she tried sleep paralysis on me I was able to set free my astral and chase her away.

Last time (last month) when she tried to tie my will by paralyzing my body,
I saw how she is throwing on me some heavy things like pieces of furniture, but she missed to hit me every time.
She was like a raging demon with non-human kind of strength lifting heavy things from all around, but for me those heavy pieces of furniture thrown on me were like Styrofoam, light and harmless that I could touch them with my hand, and my hand would pass through it like it all was just an optical trick!
I did not even bother to stand up and chase the Witch away. I was just laughing in her face while I was still laying in my bed, aware that I'm again in lucid state of mind, in area of dreams.

Now I am waiting to see would she try to attack me again, after all those ridiculous fails of her.
Obviously she found the opponent who is spiritually stronger than she is.
Though, she is still very stubborn, always trying to set the traps for me in reality while pretending how friendly she is.
Yeah, friendly like poisonous snake!
Like I don't know who she is really: -The Witch who pretends to be my mother!!!
Maybe you tricked me once, but twice you won't even if you try 10 000 times!


mj00 February 20, 2024 6:49 am

Bro what drugs u on

GhostOfTheBoyEatenByWitch February 20, 2024 7:04 am

Are you asking all creative people about drugs? Did you question authors of manga too sometimes?
Do you like my mild horror story or not?

GhostOfTheBoyEatenByWitch February 20, 2024 6:08 am

I posted this for myself. If someone comes to spit their snake's poison here, those comments will be deleted and they will be blocked.


sleep paralysis demon

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