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Realizing that time is running out

gege gege 2024-06-06 02:10:29 About how are u guys doing in school
14 year old me had so many goals for myself and I've failed all of them. I'm 17 now about to enter my senior year and life feels so bleak, I'm so depressed nowadays that I've become dumb and disassociated. I know I still have time but I hate all the years ive wasted procrastinating or completely missing out on the opportunity to begin. I'm beginning to realize how little control I have over my life, the trajectory its going isn't where I want to end up at. Wasting all my teenage years on depression and anxiety is so crippling. The self sabotage is real.


bigphatjuicybussi June 8, 2024 1:34 pm

hello! I'm also 17 but I just graduated high school. your life hasn't even started. tomorrow will always come and that means there's always be another day to get started on your goals

Minus June 6, 2024 3:22 am

Same tbh, I know what I want and I understand how to get it but it's just so hard to connect with the people you've purposely disconnected from for so long, I know life is about making connections, but how do I start when everyone else already started before me? #-.-)

Who the hell is go joe¿? June 6, 2024 2:59 am

Im 21, currently a third year in college and I "wasted" my teenage years doing stupid shit. Youre feeling this way because youre transitioning into adulthood which is very daunting. I once felt that way too and self-sabotaged because at the end, it felt like it didn't matter if I tried or not. But Ill tell you something. Opportunities never run out, in fact, when you're in your 20s, that's when they come out the most because it comes to those who are ready. Don't berate yourself for not doing the most as a teen because in reality, that's when you should be loose ansd having fun. Instead, make the most of your life during your 20s. Go to college, network and connect, find good friends, develop new hobbies, travel, learn a new language, etc. All good things come to those who wait

Aggoria June 6, 2024 2:57 am

The older you turn the more control over your life you achieve -- financial, existential etc. Don't scold yourself for taking it slow because slow goes steady after all. Modern accelerationism is cruel in the way it makes us, younger folk, feel about ourselves. It's all about the pride and joy you take in achieving your goals, not the outgain of them, and you won't be proud if you feel inferior

Summer June 6, 2024 2:28 am

Gene, you are still so young and have many years ahead of you. Do not worry about yesterday, focus on what you can do today, steps don’t have to big wide or big, just getting up from bed and going out for a walk is enough of a change sometimes. Believe me, many adults don’t have a clue about their life until years down the line. We all walk different paths and have different roles. Is never too late to start something and get involved in what interest you. Smile and do things that make you happy. Be good to yourself and others.

Miet°-° June 6, 2024 2:27 am

Yourl know you're still young I'm as old as you though I feel same things as you I still have time to achieve things that I want I won't really pass this early in my life even if I did I want to live it the way I want if you want to live a life while doing what you like or doing what you want to achieve then so be it, it's normal to feel lost at times of transitions especially our age graduation here graduation there college new life adulting and whatnot everyone feels that too everyone passes this phase too just do what you do best and try to have fun along the way cheer up (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。+。*♡

Riley16 June 6, 2024 2:22 am

I'm not sure what your goals are or were and what you're going through right now. However, no matter how much you feel like you've lost the opportunity to move forward, don't let that stop you from trying to move forward. It may be a cliche advice but as long as you don't stop trying, you are at least moving forward, even if it's a very small step. If you stop now, imagine four years down the road and you would then again be wondering about all the things you could have done in that time. And I'm saying this from personal experience.

Instead of setting one big goal, you can also set a destination (i.e. a big goal) and set smaller goals needed to arrive at that destination. It's also alright to change your goals. Find your way one step at a time, like a game. You need to finish one level at a time to progress right? Life's a little like that. Don't forget to take breaks and don't compare yourself to others. You got this, even though it feels like you don't. I wish you all the best in life.

Muuta June 6, 2024 2:22 am

As someone who is in their 20s and wasted their teenage years, don’t worry life keeps going and you find little joys. You have control maybe not now but you can work towards being the person you want to be.

gege's other experiences