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nyan cat nyan cat 2024-06-07 08:13:37 About friends
guys so im a highschooler rn and recently (like past two years) ive sorta lost a lot of friends. some ive dropped, some ive js grown out of and dont vibe w anymore. i think i have a pretty good social group when it comes go school , but outside of school, it completely vanishes. i have one friend who i hang out w all the time at school and we text often, but she has online friends shes a lot closer to and values more so i wouldnt consider us best friends either. i hinestly enjoy my alone time and i love js chillin but sometimes i feel a little lonely ig. when i see friend froups post with each other, i csnt help but feel a little jealous, but i dont like big friend groups bc of drama and stuff.. but i also want someone who i am their #1 and theyre my #1,, like a best friend lololol. ive tried to make online friends but i js dont know where to go or how to start. i have pretty strong morals/values that I think r universal (girlcode, friendcode, etc) which i voice, but apparently its not univeraal to everyone . so if theyre broken, its hard for me to want to continje to be friends w thag person which is why im not super close with a lot of people. lol this is long and i dont reallt have a specific point but yas any advice helps


Raven June 7, 2024 9:01 am

Hmm I'm not sure if this could be considered advice, but I think I understand a bit of where you're coming from. I went through my school years mostly alone and somewhat isolated. I did end up having some friends but never really fitting in to any social groups. I think an aspect of loneliness was always with me then even if I was comfortable being alone. As I entered university, I had a chance to start over and meet new people. Although I still never entered a social group, I met some really good people that I'm thankful for. I wouldn't say I'm anyone's number one or best friend, though, but making friends, getting close to someone - I think the best way is to just let it flow. Be you, be genuine and people who enjoy being in your presence will come and join you as well. Be it today, tomorrow or the near future. Hope this helps and I hope you feel better! (⌒▽⌒)



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