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TurtleThatAteABorgir's question (2)

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about question
In (▰˘◡˘▰),
Are the ˘ ˘ eyes and the ▰ ▰ blush


Are ▰ ▰ eyes and the ˘ ˘ eyebrows

This may stupid but help this fella out I CANT FIGURE IT OUT
also I need to know where should I use it so (=・ω・=)
28 05,2024
about question
I felt quirky today and decided to stalk a certain website that allegedly kills people with their toxic ass community, only to see there being a bunch of game forums and the whole community playing together, and people just being supportive to each other over all. They just have a certain opinion over a controversial topic (which I will not be mentioning cuz ion wanna bring it up) that majority of the public doesn't agree with. So that made me curious, what communities did u have the wrong impression of and were surprised to see how they actually were?
17 04,2024