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Mi-yi's answer page 6 (115)

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Simon says by YC banks   reply
23 05,2021
about question
Mi-yi 11 06,2021
Lol NO. I forgot I can't trust Too much on everyone in this site   reply
11 06,2021
So.. I won't die until old age.. That's to long   reply
19 06,2021
I've always wanted to dye my hair a light brown and a hair that doesn't get all messy whenever I just breath, plus brown hazel eyes! this is how I look realistically really dark eyebugs and a resting b!Tch face (▽-▽)   reply
03 05,2021
Dark academia, and Mental core.   reply
15 06,2021
Looking cute tho—   reply
21 05,2021
14, Female, filipina, student, Cebu, I borrowed people's pens multiple times and never return them if they want it they can talk to my dog she buried them somewhere idk   1 reply
19 07,2021
about question
lmfao I look good this is bs I don't look that hot irl   reply
03 05,2021
Mi-yi 12 05,2021
?????   reply
12 05,2021
about question
wanted to do both male and female   reply
08 05,2021
about have sex
I was both bullied and a bully (used to) I was the quiet kid in my school slightly chubby so I get picked on even if I just sat there minding my own business It wasn't to bad at first because we were all strangers with each other but it got pretty worse whenever a new semester starts it came from teasing to ripping my stuff and be isolated to ev......   reply
03 05,2021
Very pretty   reply
06 06,2021