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†ʜAᴋAɱ (눈‿눈).'s question (13)

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joining in bandwagon. Here mine below
10 01,2021
What would you do "if" some of your stalker get inside in your house and gets under your bed or closet in everywhere where you cannot see it but you feel beeing seen by someone and if you find out that your stalker is super handsome boy or beautiful girl?

What you gonna do? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
22 02,2020
Its hurt my heart knowing i cant brows u in chrome and any other browser site... but thank god that one browser let me see u again.. mangago dont leave me dying knowing ur gone in mylife... love u..

And I hate u globe network and all other browser site!

Hahahah im backkkkkkkk! Gonna go read free again..
12 03,2021
Hahahha for me its chocolate.
I really love chocolate! there a side effect when I eat chocolate I szeene its a torture for me to eat chocolate like wtf im dying im crying "Ackhoo" but I still eat it anyway coz its yummy(๑•ㅂ•)و✧..

Dont worry it not allergy..
15 01,2021
Thank god ur back i miss u for so long :3 ill go grind more smut (๑•ㅂ•)و✧to read here hehe
03 04,2021
about question
Lika dalhin kita sa sulok mag uusap tayo ng matino...

Khahahahha kng uxtu mo malaman bumili ka doon sa wezi.

Joks lng naman pero kng uxtu mu talga..

Come on, vámonos
mail mo lng ako!
come on, let's get to it
I know ur thirsty for it.

Where are we going?
To the mail pre wag mong sabihin inde mo alam ang mail d2.. Kahahahaha! OTL...
30 05,2021
Have you ever like this kind of tags: Mature, Psychology, Rape, Black Mail, Smut, Drugged, Mind break,Torture.

For me yeah I totally love that kind of tags co'z It's gives me thrills and it amuse me Like i want them to suffer with something much worst than that. It not that weird right? But i guess some of you might find it weird and disgust I'm just being true to myself ^^.

I only tell a little about myself coz if do write everything it might turn into something you wont ever like. (●'◡'●)ノ
30 08,2020
For me they are in pathetic state.

Your asking me why?
Ask yourself if your not pathetic but when you grow old you shall know it.

It hurt me in fact..yeah im in pathetic state where eveything is hopeless i just let it flow like a river~( ̄∇ ̄")
09 07,2020
I will start in my childhood the very most worst hateful thing I almost did was to suck my neighborhood dick. That time I thought that was a normal thing to do I was only little kid like 5 or 6 yr old boy I was fcking innocent that time. But thank god I was save by my sister like she called me downstairs to go home.

I think there more like we did the blind fold thing where you shall feel an object and tell what kind of object you will feel with your both hands.. oh fck just remembering it I feel I touch his dick.. you feel that hot warm xhit he got there..

Now that I grow up Im so shock just thinking about that thing some flashback coming up there many thing we did I forgot what is it.. I call him big bro he was my friend just why he did that thing to me? That leave me some big question at that time...

┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Now that leave me myself being a pervert. But I accept myself Im gay by the way..
23 02,2020
about have sex
What would you do if one of your friend or Lover masturbate behind your back while you woken up by his/her moans and s/he says your name while s/he masturbate?

A. Will you fake your sleep and listen to her/his lewd doings until s/he climax while shouting your name in low voice and s/he came closer to look your if your awake or not?.

B. You wake up like nothing happen and goes to the bathroom take a piss and go back to your bedroom sleep again?

C. Just stare at her/him while s/he doing it and you shall play yourself too?

D. Will you pounce him or her and go all the way to the end?

E. If you pick E. Tell me what will you do? Will you blackmail, threaten, make her/him slave, Lover, forget it or etc..

My answer: is E. I will take a video of him and threaten his life make him my lover until he give up then Accept me! I
Shall make him mineeee! ヽ(`Д´)ノRarw!
Then we will do BDSM (눈‿눈) ulala~..
27 02,2020
What are your thought about this?

For me both side are wrong you want to know why? Coz


True Vegan eat plants
-plants they eat veggy diff kinds of weeds like grass and flowers leaves fruits.

True Meat eater eat animals
- they eat all kinds of animals in the planet.

Pfft ur not a true vegan or meat eater if you dont eat this kinds things And im sorry if you got offend im just stating the fact of it.

Now vegan protest that eating meat is bad! Its a sin to kill animals!

My thought about this is pathetic. isnt it same with killing plants? Plants have life too they have a baby which it called fruits or vegetables they only see the world for a mins,hrs poor them... *(╥﹏╥)I'm orange they torture me*

So Meat eater dont give a fuk right? coz they eat veggy too depends on what they eat.

For me I eat both vegetable and meat that the true human for you and pray saying thanks and sorry to what you eat. Coz without them you dont exist.

Vegan =picky eater.
Meat = uh uhh uhh coz they eat it all.
Earth = eat oxygen and digest it outer space ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

And if im wrong its ur own decision not mine only YOURS..
Its FREEDOM to do what WE want..
04 11,2020
about question
Is yummy and its bad for teeth!
Joks XD! Gratsss!

Anyway who want some AMoV? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Heh u know the A. M. O. V.

I got all the files khahahaha only i will share is 1-50ch pff.. :3
Only 2 PERSON WHO COMMENT FIRST WILL GET IT i'll send it tomorrow or today. !. If they dont know what AMoV is the nxt person shall get it :3

Dont u dare betray me! ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ ヽ(`Д´)ノ :3
I hold ur life.. heheheh

I'll delete this tomorrow.
31 05,2021
about question
Hahaha an interesting one just show up and mail me. This is what this user say...

I just twist some words like this person talking to itself.
So when this user stop everything became boring again.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ hahahaha..

Nothing i just want to share and save it into my questions memories ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
26 04,2021