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A Cutie's question (9)

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about question
A Cutie
19 01,2024
19 01,2024
about question
A Cutie
24 11,2023
recommend (??) hobbies, the only hobby i have is reading in this site, PLEASE IM BORED ╥﹏╥
24 11,2023
about question
yall know the difference, right
07 03,2024
about question
i just want to favorite the tags and search up other users
07 03,2024
A Cutie
30 05,2024
hello guys i just read orc bride and i really want to cry rn and i want to share with you all my suffereings (im typing this tryjg not to throw ip heheheheh) just joking gusy its a very good manga, everyone should tead hejahahabahhahaahaha im gojng crazy
30 05,2024
about question
ur opinions on alien stage pls i'm planning to watch it because i'm so bored but i'm kinda scared bcs what if i don't get the hype ?? i mean, i saw some ppl in there and omg MIZI? SUA?? IVAN??? TILL???? HYUNA????? LUKA?????? what u think what u think
15 days
about question
plz my sister and i has been arguing on who's the most attractive. nanami (jjk) vs. yami (black clover ??)
02 04,2024
about question
whenever i read a good manhwa i cant read another for weeks to months (excluding those im reading atm) dhiebsissbisjs FULL VOLUMEE DA BESSTTTT pls reco me couples like that ^-^
15 03,2024
about question
A Cutie
05 03,2024
what's ur fav coj song?? im still thinking whats mine since ALL OF THEIR SONGS R SO GOOD (gib ur fav line on that song, too !!) ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
05 03,2024