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butchez <3's answer (12)

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This is jungkook here. yes I use mangago   3 reply
15 days
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Some more juicier ones because my other takes were kinda mild ngl 1- Religions are 100% the cause of evil all around the world and all over history from white european christians colonizing africa, asia, america, to muslim arabs thinking they did african and levant countries a favor for "enlightening" them with islam when they are no different from......   5 reply
18 days
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I relate. I'm butch and I want to dress in a masculine/androgynous way only, but my mother forces femininity on me by making me wear a hijab which is so frustrating   2 reply
15 days
People always make lame excuses to not consume or engage with any sapphic media. Always the same "oh all of them are made for the male gaze" or "there isn't any good yuri" NO there is !! but y'all don't want to read it unless there is a man involved. It's so crazy how everytime a gay/straight show drops somehow all people with different genders an......   2 reply
16 days
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you want people to pay you for machine translation ???   reply
7 days
about question
Biphobia is unfortunately very prevalent in online spaces (idk about irl spaces bec I live in an extremely homophobic country so don't come at me). I'm a lesbian so I'm gonna talk relating to that. Alot of lesbians perpetuate harmful stereotypes that existed since forever about bi people (the "all bisexuals are cheaters" thing being the most common......   reply
5 hours
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people who don't have the basic decency to clean after themselves. There is this girl in one of my classes I sit beside her, I didn't really think much of her and was friendly when we interacted but from one behavior of her it completely changed my impression of her. She was eating snacks and left the wrappers on the desk and some of them even fell......   1 reply
7 days
yes they are a shitty publishing company, their website/app sucks ass, and the bonus coin system also sucks ass after they changed it.   reply
17 days
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I'm a butch lesbian   reply
29 days
Yes I sometimes get angry when playing stardew valley   reply
16 days
Hi typesetter here ! No because the yelling is usually indicated by font and whether it's bald and italic or not. Some typesetters like to use a seperate font for yelling, and others like to use the same font as the normal speech bubbles but in italic and bold.   reply
17 days